Wednesday, December 28, 2011

What Level of Care Is Right for Your Recovery From Alcoholism and Drug Addiction?

!: What Level of Care Is Right for Your Recovery From Alcoholism and Drug Addiction?

The Continuum of Care in Recovery

When you are ready to make the call for help in getting clean and sober; whom do you call? Where do you turn for help? When should you call?

The road to recovery begins with your decision to seek help. From that point forward there are different levels of care for you. Which one is appropriate varies from person to person. Factors such as: how much and how often and how long have you been drinking and/or drugging, your age, your gender, any special needs such as handicap access, dietary considerations and mental condition all figure into the "where-do-I-go" equation. Here is a brief description of the various levels of care to help you research your options. (NOTE: The alcoholic/drug addict is referred to as the "client" in this article.)

Intervention- Maybe your first step should be to call an interventionist, a professional whose role is to help you get the right level of care. An interventionist may start with a telephone assessment to determine whether an on-site intervention is necessary. In addition to working directly with the client, the interventionist helps the family make decisions and cope with the stress of an intervention.

Most interventionists are trained and highly skilled professionals whose primary interest is in getting the client clean and sober. Where the client is eventually placed is paramount; however, this is only the beginning for most interventionists. Long-term recovery requires a plan beyond the initial treatment program. Studies prove that the longer one spends in treatment, the longer one remains clean and sober. So the interventionist will most likely stay with the client through the entire process, as well as provide after care monitoring.

Detox Center - Many clients require a detox prior to entering into a treatment program. There are two levels of detox care: acute (hospital setting) and subacute (non-hospital) which are available at some residential treatment centers. Acute detox centers may be freestanding or part of a hospital. While both have 24-hour supervision, an acute detox facility is equipped to handle most medical emergencies resulting from detox. There are different types of detox: Medical, holistic, drug specific and alcohol specific.

Medical detox centers use drug therapy to help the client safely detox from alcohol and/or drug use. A medical doctor who specializes in addictionology is always on duty, as are a clinical psychologist, nurses and substance abuse case managers. This level of care is appropriate for those whose drinking and drug use is daily with high amounts consumed and for long periods of time. For those individuals, self-detox is dangerous and could be lethal.

A holistic detox uses natural aides to help the body detox. These include: B-12 injections, amino acid, mineral and vitamin therapy, either orally or by injection. Other alternative treatments include: acupuncture, massage, energy healing (like Reiki). Meals usually consist of healthy detox friendly food and beverages.

Drug specific detox uses a pharmacological approach to specific drug addictions. Opiate addicts may receive Subutex or Suboxone that serve as opiate replacements for the withdrawal process. Heroin addicts face a painful detox so effective therapy often includes Suboxone or Riva, Depade or Vivitrol (Naltrexone) with Catepres (Clonidine) for hypertension/high blood pressure.

Alcohol detox often results in serious side effects. Seizures, delirium tremens (DT's) and heart attack result in many cases and if these are not medically treated, death may result. Clients may receive sedatives, like diazepam or carbamazepine, to reduce DT's. Catepres may be used to help control blood pressure. Clients with co-occurring disorders like depression, bi-polar disorder require medications that address those symptoms.

In-patient Residential Treatment Centers

This is what most people think of when the term "treatment" is used. At this level of care the client receives intense clinical services such as group therapy and individual therapy several times a week. Focused substance abuse education and introduction into a Twelve-Step based program like Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are included. In addition to behavioral health professionals, a medical doctor is on staff as well as a registered nurse to help with meds administration. Meals are commonly prepared by a chef and served in a common dining area. On-site recreation is available and may include equine therapy, art therapy, dance therapy, yoga and more. Toward completion of a residential program, the client and counselor consider the next step of treatment. If an interventionist made the initial referral, he or she is often involved in placement after residential care.

Options for placement include: extended care, sober living, halfway house and transitional living programs. Some clients may opt out of treatment following completion of a residential program. However, professional referrals are made for a reason - they decrease the relapse rate and increase the probability for long-term sobriety.

Extended Care Programs

This level of care is often provided in an outpatient clinic in conjunction with sober living facilities that offer high levels of supervision and structure. Extended care is usually a three to six month program that includes: Intensive Outpatient Therapy (IOP), individual therapy, group therapy, Relapse Prevention, substance abuse education, recreation therapy and intense Twelve-Step work. Since extended care programs are three to six months in length, the client has an opportunity to examine his or her life in-depth and make cognitive, emotive, behavioral, spiritual and social changes conducive to a life of sobriety. Some programs offer alumni groups that help the client stay connected to his or her support network. Following extended care, the counselor and/or interventionist may refer the client to a sober living facility as the next step.

Sober Living

Most sober living programs offer a modest level of services and programs for the client. They generally have an on site house manager; however, a few sober living facilities have staff on duty 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Always ask if staff is on-duty (awake) 24/7. The emphasis at this level is learning to live in a structured family like setting free of alcohol and drugs. Life skills management may be offered, as the client must learn to become independent in order to achieve long-term sobriety. Most sober living programs require the client to be employed or attend school as well as attend a minimum number of Twelve-Step meetings, have a sponsor and work through the steps in detail with that sponsor.

Halfway House

Halfway houses and sober living houses are synonymous in some states, while quite different in others. Generally speaking, a halfway house has house rules, a house manager who lives on site, requires clients to be employed and attend Twelve Step meetings. Clients have more freedom and often are free to come and go at will. Few, if any, halfway houses have 24/7 staff supervision. (Again, someone is awake and on-duty 24 hours a day, every day.) Since some states do not regulate or license halfway houses, they may not have liability insurance. Remember to ask whether the house is a private residence, an apartment complex or some other structure. Also ask to see the rules, the insurance certificate and you may even want to call family members of current or former clients.


In order to achieve long-term sobriety one must consider the full continuum of care, which includes a bio/psycho/social model. I see many men in my program who relapse after completing a residential program, an extended care program, a sober living program or a halfway house program. Most of the time these men did not follow a continuum of care path and went home after the initial treatment program, or, went into a halfway house from a primary residential treatment program. Without the entire continuum of care, the alcoholic/drug addict is at high risk of relapse. It is worth repeating: studies confirm that the longer one receives care, the longer one stays sober.

What Level of Care Is Right for Your Recovery From Alcoholism and Drug Addiction?

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Monday, December 5, 2011

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Get ready for a powerful set of stories to inspire your recovery from addiction. You'll learn what others have done to manage triggers, control cravings, and come to terms with their past. Stories include a plumber, an ex-con, a father, a transgender, a priest, a mother of two, and a woman who was raped. The real value of these stories are the nuggets of wisdom you can apply in your own life to put addiction recovery into practice.


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This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Drugs: Profiles of Addiction and Recovery - Making Choices

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(1 VHS Video) Addiction to drugs and alcohol is a disease - chronic, progressive and fatal if left untreated. This report features true stories told by recovering addicts and insightful commentary by law enforcement professionals and counselors, describes the miseries of substance abuse and methods of overcoming addiction. MAKING CHOICES. In this program, 17-year-olds Shannon and Jay openly discuss the factors that sent them spiraling into drug addiction and their subsequent attempts to recover. Dramatizations of interviews with their parents, teachers, and friends, along with reenactments of upsetting family incidents, reveal financial and abuse issues at home and an unwillingness to confront the changes in the addicts' behaviors and personalities. What Shannon and Jay had in common was that eventually even the strongest drugs could no longer bring a feeling of relief from their problems.

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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Hope for the Alcoholic: Scientific Breakthroughs

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Rate : | Price : $120.00 | Post Date : Nov 06, 2011 22:15:16
Usually ships in 24 hours

Part of the award winning public television series Healthy Body/Healthy Mind. Alcoholism is a chronic medical disease of the brain and as with many other chronic diseases it needs lifestyle changes, psychological and nutritional counseling and medication to be most effectively treated. In this program we'll explore the latest research that highlights the differences between the brains of alcoholics and the brains of social drinkers. We will show you why a comprehensive approach to treating alcoholism is the best approach to getting the disease under control. We will highlight the benefit of support groups like Alcoholics Anonymous and through patient stories offer hope to those who are dealing with alcohol addiction and alcoholism.

Under The U.S. Copyright Act any viewing or exhibition of a video in a public place must have public performance rights. Purchase of this Program is for educational use only in the United States and/or Canada, which shall include non-theatric public performance rights. Such rights are defined as exhibition of the Program to the following specific non-paying audiences: (a) educational institutions (e.g. elementary, middle and high schools, colleges, and graduate degree programs, adult educational programs and institutions and distance learning and distributed education organizations); (b) public libraries; (c) governmental agencies and institutions; (d) non-profit entities and for-profit entities exhibiting the Program for educational purposes only; (e) public service and voluntary citizen organizations; and (f) social and cultural organizations, clubs and societies (the "Rights"). In granting the Rights, it is understood that such use shall not grant any right or privilege to the copyright with respect to the Program, which copyright shall always and in all circumstances be retained by Information Television Network. Furthermore, Rights do not include the right to resell, license or otherwise exploit the Program for profit. By completing this transaction, you agree to the above and shall be accordingly legally bound to the terms herein. The U.S. Copyright Act states that a person found guilty of infringement of public performance, may be fined or imprisoned or both.

This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

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Friday, November 4, 2011

Women and Drug Abuse

!: Women and Drug Abuse

According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, more than 4 million women use drugs today in America. In the past year alone, 9 million women used drugs illegally and another 50% of all women between the ages of 15 to 44 will try drugs at least once in their lifetime. These troubling numbers are compounded by the fact that many instances of women and drug abuse go unreported. Many women suffer from their drug abuse and addictions silently, secretly hiding their problem from friends and family.

Finding help, therefore, can be a difficult task for women who abuse drugs. Admitting that they have a problem is often difficult particularly when friends and family are unaware of the drug use. Women may deny drug abuse out of fear and shame that their family will be taken away from them if they appear to be unfit caretakers, a stigma associated with women and drug abuse.

Often, women who use drugs have underlying problems which not only exasperate their drug abuse, but are the root cause of it. Women may seek the use of drugs as self-medication for depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders. In fact, the link between drug abuse and mental disorders often go hand in hand, complicating the diagnosis and treatment. A special method called dual diagnosis is therefore necessary to assess patients with co-occurring disorders.

Though every rehabilitation program may claim to offer dual diagnosis, only a few have licensed practitioners who specialize in it. Individuals seeking treatment for drug and/or alcohol abuse can find more information at

Women and Drug Abuse

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Monday, October 31, 2011

Perception Therapy® Products Full Set

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Post Date : Oct 31, 2011 09:18:21
Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The Perception Therapy® Wellness Guide, Therapeutic Card Deck and Journal are used daily by the clients of Alternative Treatment International within the Program. The Set can be used by addictions and mental health treatment programs and individual therapists as an adjunct to their current treatment protocols, or by the individual at home to assist with relapse prevention and life transformation.Ways to Use The A.T.I. Inspirational Perception Therapy® Card Deck:?Follow each card in the order presented;?Follow the cards section by section;?Choose a card from a different section each day;?Read the card(s), repeat the positive affirmations on the front of each card, follow with meditation and journalingThe original Perception Therapy® Card Deck (53 cards included), developed by Alternative Treatment International, Inc., is specifically developed with extensive activities, affirmations, and instructions for a daily therapeutic practice that promotes health and overall wellness. Included with the Card Deck are two hand-carved inspirational stones with the sayings, "Hope" and "Peace".The original Perception Therapy® Wellness Guide (289 pages) and Therapeutic Card Deck (53 cards included), developed by Alternative Treatment International, Inc., are specifically developed with extensive activities, affirmations, and instructions for a daily therapeutic practice that promotes health and overall wellness.

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Searching For Cheap Drug And Alcohol Rehab Centers?

!: Searching For Cheap Drug And Alcohol Rehab Centers?

So, you have agreed to check into a drug and alcohol drug rehab center but want the cheapest one. You don't have all the money in the world to enter into the expensive ones out there. Not to worry as you'll get the centers right here.

The cost of undergoing treatment in a drug and alcohol rehab center is a subjective issue. What is affordable to one person may not be applicable to another. So, you're right to look for cheap rehab centers. You don't have to break into a bank or go broke in the name of getting off drug and alcohol addiction.

One of the best sources of cheap drug and alcohol rehab centers is the non-profit type. This type of centers' fees is often low compared to their for-profit counterpart. Most of the not-for-profit centers are managed and funded by either the federal government of the country or religious organizations.

The following centers are some of the non-profit centers out there that you can attend and get good treatment at an affordable rate.

- Pemarro is a non profit drug and alcohol addiction recovery center located in Ramona, California.

- Ohlhoff Recovery Programs is a non-profit center which offers inpatient and outpatient alcohol and drug treatment center situated in San Francisco, California.

- The Gurley House, a non-profit center for women who have had a history of problems with alcohol or substance abuse. The period of stay at the center is six months.

- COPE Behavioral Services, Inc. is a non-profit behavioral healthcare organization providing treatment and rehabilitation for substance abuse and other mental health conditions in men and women.

You can begin your search with these and similar drug and alcohol rehab centers.

Apart from the not for profit centers, there are some centers whose fee is often low when compared to those of others. You can only get these centers after short listing reputable centers and contacting them. This is what is known as comparison shopping.

However, it needs to be stressed that you must never at any time sacrifice quality at the expense of cheapness. Your health matters a lot and therefore should not be joked with because of lack of enough money. In other words, never go out there looking for cheap rehab centers without looking at the quality of services that the center is offering.

Cheap drug and alcohol rehab centers abound all over the country. It only requires lots of patience on your part to get them. Remember these centers exist because of you. They can't continue offering their services if there is no patronage. Therefore, they too are more concerned about offering their services at low rate than their competitors in order to stay in business and earn more profit.

When you make use of the tips given in this article, you will not find it hard to get a center that will not require you breaking into a bank before you can get treatment.

Searching For Cheap Drug And Alcohol Rehab Centers?

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Perception Therapy® Training Set for Therapists and Counselors

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Brand : | Rate : | Price : $145.00
Post Date : Oct 23, 2011 16:30:10 | Usually ships in 1-2 business days

The Perception Therapy® Training Manual, Wellness Guide, Therapeutic Card Deck and Journal are used daily addictions and mental health treatment programs and individual therapists as an adjunct to their current treatment protocols, or by the individual at home to assist with relapse prevention and life transformation.

Ways to Use The A.T.I. Inspirational Perception Therapy® Card Deck:

- Follow each card in the order presented;
- Follow the cards section by section;
- Choose a card from a different section each day;
- Read the card(s), repeat the positive affirmations on the front of each card, follow with meditation and journaling

The original Perception Therapy® Card Deck (53 cards included), developed by Alternative Treatment International, Inc., is specifically developed with extensive activities, affirmations, and instructions for a daily therapeutic practice that promotes health and overall wellness. Included with the Card Deck are two hand-carved inspirational stones with the sayings, "Hope" and "Peace".

The original Perception Therapy® Wellness Guide (289 pages) and Therapeutic Card Deck (53 cards included), developed by Alternative Treatment International, Inc., are specifically developed with extensive activities, affirmations, and instructions for a daily therapeutic practice that promotes health and overall wellness.

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